Welcome to Class 1

Here you will find what is happening in class 1. There will be curriculum help and links to other websites.

Class 1 Spring Term Newsletter

Dear Parents and Pupils,

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and enjoyed the break. I would like to thank you for your messages of support for me and my family, your kind words and messages are very much appreciated.

The term is now underway and we have lots of exciting learning opportunities planned for the children to enjoy! For example, I have planned in more Forest School sessions because we know that being outside is so good for children’s emotional and

academic well-being.
In case the penguins on the glass doors coming into class one, haven’t already given things away, our topic for the term is Hot and Cold Places. For the first half term we shall focus on cold places primarily the Antarctic and then after the half term break,

we shall move to warmer climes looking at Africa! Please see the topic outlines below!

Our nursery cohort, all girls so far, are so settled and we have more nursery children set to join us as the year progresses!
For the children in Reception and Year One, I will be consolidating the progress your child has made and now expect even more of them! If your child is in Reception or Year 1 then they will have brought home their completed phonics workbooks. It

would be really beneficial for you to revisit the workbooks to consolidate the sounds they have learned so far.

With regards to reading books sent home, the guidance from government is that children should have fully decodable reading books that match the sounds already taught and mastered, and that the books children bring home should be easily read. It makes sense that the books the children are reading match the sounds taught and the phonics workbook they are working at. Reception have just started workbook 3, so their reading books should have a number 1 or 2 sticker on them, Year One are working on workbook 7 so their reading books will most likely have numbers 5 – 7 on the front dependent on individual ability.

Reading and Writing skills.

The Nursery children will continue to enjoy stories, practise rhyme and listen for initial sounds and begin to look for them in our learning environment. 

Reception children are beginning to write their own sentences, something we very much encourage. Let your child sound out each word, identify the number of sounds, and encourage them to write the sounds that match their spoken words. Please do not correct spelling mistakes at this stage as this will discourage them from wanting to write.

Year 1 children will continue with taught handwriting, please do ask them about the letter of the week which will have its own little rhyme to aid the correct formation as we are really focussing on correct letter formation this year. Once we have written a sentence, I want the children to carefully read that sentence, checking for correct punctuation, and to look carefully at each word and check that it is spelt correctly. This is something we do every day in school, and they are getting quite good at it!

The Curriculum.

Our whole class theme is Hot and Cold Places

During the first half term we will be focussing on day and night, nocturnal animals, weather patterns, penguins and other Antarctic animals

As previously mentioned, we are going to try to include weekly Forest School sessions and outdoor activities.

Please ensure that your child has waterproof/spare trousers, a warm coat and wellies in school at all times for these and other exciting outdoor learning opportunities.

As a guide, this term we will be learning about.

History. Lives of a significant individual – Role Models – Scott of the Antarctic.

Geography. Weather around the world. Investigating hot and cold places. Learn about the changing seasons and day and night.

Design and Technology. Learning to weave with textiles and create an animal from clay.

Art – Explore the different warm and cool colours. Create African and Antarctic scenes.

PSHE - Me and my relationships, exploring our feelings, special people, friends and listening.

Valuing difference, Friends, bullying, differences, being kind/unkind.

Computing. E – posters. Researching, saving, word processing and producing an E- fact file on an African or Antarctic animal.

Science. Green plants. Identifying; seeds and bulbs, growing plants and keeping a plant diary. Labelling a simple flowering plant Investigating what helps a plant to grow well. Nocturnal animals.

PE. We will focus on multi skills, team games and throwing and catching, and cricket with Fraser.

Music. Charanga! We will learn new action songs, play the xylophone and other musical instruments

RE. What do Jews remember on Shabbat? What does the cross mean to Christians?

Homework and Reading.

All children have a reading book, which I aim to change every day. We really value your comments and would ask that when you share a book with your child that you write a comment in the reading records for us. Ideally, I would like for the children to

share their book with an adult every night, this should take no longer than 5 or 10 minutes. To encourage any reluctant readers, why not read the book to your child first and then ask your child to read it to you? This strategy helps to build confidence

and a shared love of books.

The Year 1 children are well into the routine of weekly homework and spellings to learn. You will notice that the level of challenge in the homework will increase. Reception will now have a few spellings to learn each week!

Parents’ Evening.

We are holding a Parents’ Afternoon/Evening on January 20th. Appointments can made via the school website.


We try to keep parents as fully informed about school, visits and anything extra happening in school via school letters.

Mrs Evans, Miss Simpson, Miss Harrison and I are always available for a chat at the start, or the end of any day and we would urge you to come in and see us at your earliest convenience should you have any concerns, or questions about what is

happening at school.

I would like to thank everyone for their support during the autumn term, the Christmas gifts and cards were very much appreciated. I am sure that the Spring Term will be just as much fun for the children and the staff!

Yours sincerely,

Lynn Harrison. 


Star of the Week

Zara – ‘You have been an excellent all-rounder this week! You have looked after the Nursery children, produced fabulous writing and you read the entire story of The Gruffalo all by yourself!’

Presenter of the Week

Class 1: George

Class 2: Tommy

Class 3: Annie

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