Our Vision
We encourage positive action within the school and the wider community.
We provide a safe, welcoming and compassionate environment where children, parents and staff are valued and respected.
Our Aims
- Create a happy, safe, caring learning environment.
- Provide a stimulating, balanced, broad and challenging curriculum.
- Pupils to develop an enquiring and discriminating mind and a desire for knowledge.
- To provide first hand experiences within the school, the community and participate in all aspects of the wider world.
- To remove all barriers to learning thus creating equal opportunities for all.
- Encourage creativity and celebrate achievements across the full range of school activities.
- Enable and encourage all pupils to reach their full potential.
- To continually develop spiritual and moral values – honest, integrity, kindness and good judgement.
- Prepare pupils fully for the next stage of their lives: emotionally, socially and academically.
- Enable and encourage everyone within the school community to contribute and participate in the school’s development
01228 212050
Mrs Lynn Harrison
Irthington, Nr Carlisle, Cumbria CA6 4NJ
Your Questions Answered
School Policies & Links to Statutory Information
Accessibility Plan - Now called the Equality Policy and is in the school office
Department for Education - Keeping Children Safe in Education
Department for Education - School Performance and Comparison
Exams and Assessment Statement
Extremism & Radicalisation - A Guide for Parents
Missing Child Procedure Policy
National Curriculum English Policy
National Curriculum Maths Policy
National Curriculum Science Policy
Ofsted - School Page (links to reports)
Online Safety Policy & Procedures
Packed Lunch Guidance Recommendations
Persistent or Vexatious Complaints Procedure
Procedure for Emergency School Closure
Standards and Exam Results